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Episode 81  |  46:05 min

Sudan - a case study in OSINT for crisis support

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Episode 81  |  46:05 min  |  06.22.2023

Sudan - a case study in OSINT for crisis support

This is a podcast episode titled, Sudan - a case study in OSINT for crisis support. The summary for this episode is: <p>Janes expert analysts Maria Lampoudi and Heather Nicell join Harry Kemsley and Sean Corbet to discuss how open source intelligence has helped us to understand the situation in the Sudan before it started, what is happening now and the impact on the country in the future. </p>
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Heather Nicell

|Lead Sub- Saharan Africa analyst, Janes
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Maria Lampoudi

|Lead analyst and manager, Sub- Saharan African Country Intelligence team, Janes
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Sean Corbett

|AVM (ret’d) Sean Corbett CB MBE MA, RAF